Challenges of teaching and learning mathematics at the Copperbelt University
Chabulembwa, Mwila David
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the challenges of teaching and learning mathematics at the Copperbelt University (CBU), the second largest public university in Zambia. The challenges of teaching and learning mathematics are myriad. The framework addressing the challenges could have many domains but this study looked at five domains which included effective teaching and learning styles for mathematics, mathematical knowledge for teaching, mathematics foundation and transition, attitude and a conducive learning climate. Questionnaires, interviews and focus group discussions were used in the data collection process in this study. The study found that among other challenges, students did not have a positive attitude towards mathematics, had a poor foundation in mathematics and that high school mathematics did not prepare students adequately for the rigours of university mathematics. Living off campus and adjusting to different teaching practices came with its own challenges. The lack of relevant reference books, latest mathematics software and exposure to the latest mathematics journals did not help the situation.
The study concludes by making recommendations that both lecturers and students should have access to mathematics resources and that there is need to consider teaching methods that create opportunities for students to actively participate in the learning process. There is also a need to expand infrastructure as CBU has now developed from a college that was designed to offer certificates and diplomas only into a fully fledged internationally recognised university catering for a large number of students.
Mathematics-Study and teaching