Problems and prospects of Community based Forest Management: A case study of Chiulukire forest in chiefb Mbang'ombe's Area-Katete District
Chipeta, Eric
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The forest management is undergoing a transformation world over. There have been perceived some problems that have accompanied the old approach of secluding local communities living near the forest from taking part in the management of the forest resource. Because of the perceived problems, there has been a shift in the approach to co opt local communities in management of the resource.Zambian forests are wasting away at a very fast rate. The main causes of deforestation in Chiulukire forest are farming, firewood collection, collection of food and building materials. The local community is aware of the problems that affect the forest resource. There is a general desire by the people to have he forests in future and the initiatives to conserve the forest in the area are supported by the local communities. This participation comes mostly from the local people staying outside the forest estate while those inside the forest do not take part in the programs of preservation. The women are still sidelined from management of the forest resource.While the 1998 Forestry Policy fosters the devolution of forest management from central government to local communities, it has not been implemented in Chiulukire forest because of bureaucratic adamancy, poor communication among stakeholders, misunderstanding by some government officials of community based forestry and lack of reliable information on forest degradation rates.Despite the problems that are there, there have been some effort by both the local people in the area and the some NGOs to turn round the forest degradation in the area. Government needs to implement the Forestry Policy of 1998 to have more positive results as have been witnessed in other parts of the world.
Forest and Forestry-Zambia