The relationship between general self-efficacy and adaptation among first-year undergraduate students at the University of Zambia in Lusaka
Mwanza, Mupeta Mercy
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The University of Zambia
The purpose of the study was to investigate what relationship existed between first-year
undergraduate students’ perceived general self-efficacy and adaptation to the learning
environment at the University of Zambia (UNZA) in Lusaka District. The study further focused
on defining and analyzing factors that facilitate adaptation. The objectives were: to determine the
general self-efficacy of first year undergraduate students at the University of Zambia; to
investigate to what extent first year undergraduate students feel they are adapting to their
learning environment; to identify factors that facilitate the adaptation of first year undergraduate
students to their learning environment. The theories guiding this study were Albert Bandura’s
social cognitive theory, and Urie Bronfenbrenner’s ecological systems theory.
The concurrent triangulation research design was used on a sample of 150 first-year
undergraduate students at UNZA who were purposively selected. To collect data for the study a
semi-structured questionnaire was employed.
The data were analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). In order to
determine the relationship between self-efficacy and adaptation, Spearman correlation test was
run, and to determine the predictive value of self-efficacy toward adaptation a linear regression
test was run. Thematic analysis was also used to tackle the qualitative aspect of the study. Total
self-efficacy and adaptation scores were computed, from which means were derived.
The study findings showed that 67% of the respondents fell in the range of high self-efficacy,
12% average, two per cent in low range. For adaptation, 51% of respondents fell below average,
while 47% were above average, and one percent on average mark itself. Thus, from the above
statistics, it can be concluded that fewer students were adapting better compared to the majority.
The relationship between self- efficacy and adaptation was found to be weak positive and nonlinear
r = .157, p = .056 (p < .1). Self-efficacy was also found to account for only two per cent of
variation in adaptation, meaning that other factors accounted for the remaining 98%. These were
more accommodation, financial support, improved quantity and quality of academic material in
the library, better presence of extra-curricular activities, and recreational facilities, more study
space and lecture theatres, improved social conduct, as well as improved operational methods.
The study recommends that UNZA administration, through the Dean of Students’ Affairs office
(DOSA) promote and even campaign for more recreational facilities and extra-curricular
activities. The study further recommends that the Ministry of Higher Education through the
University of Zambia expedite the process of investments in on campus accommodation
facilities. Further attention should also be paid to normalization of the academic calendar to
lessen the academic pressure on both students and lecturers.
Self-efficacy--First year students--University of Zambia