Harnessing technical and vocational education and training and entrepreneurship education to address unemployment in Lusaka province, Zambia.
Mubanga, Phillip
Hock, Oo Yu
Karim, Asif Mahbub
Senteri, Zulkifli
Mulenga, Innocent Mutale
Preckler, Miriam
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Scientific Research Publishing
The aim of this study was to highlight how a combination of TVET and entrepreneurship education can be harnessed to address the problem of unemployment as well as underutilisation of human resources, in Lusaka Province,
Zambia, to foster sustainable social economic development. A questionnaire
was administered to TVET students. A representative sample of 480 respondents was targeted. Interview respondents included TVET instructors, TVET
administrators, TVET government officers, Industry experts and parents of
TVET learners. The sample was proportionately shared among the eight districts in Lusaka province. The study was conducted from April 2018 to March
2019. This was a mixed methods research. Quantitative data was analysed using
Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) and qualitative data through thematic approach. The findings indicated that unemployment as well as underutilisation of human resources can be addressed by tapping into the entrepreneurial ambitions of TVET Learners; encouraging, enticing and appealing to
students by asking them to consider entrepreneurship as a vocation or career
pathway; offering entrepreneurship education to TVET learners; sensitisation
and robust rollout of TVET and entrepreneurship education national wide
through policy directives; and, developing appropriate curriculum to support
the awareness and recognition that TVET learners that acquire entrepreneuship knowledge and skills are potential productive human resource for different
industry sectors to drive sustainable economic development
Technical education. , Vocational training. , Entrepreneurship. , Economic development.