Exploring factors contributing to excellent grade 12 performances in mission schools: a case of selected mission schools of Southern province.

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Simunchembu, Lendy
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The University of Zambia
The statistics of pupil performance at grade 12 shows that the performance of pupils in grant-aided secondary schools is generally better than the non-grant aided secondary schools in Southern Province. This study sought to explore the factors contributing to excellent Grade 12 performance in mission schools of Southern Province. This study used Concurrent mixed method design in which the researcher merged quantitative and qualitative data in order to provide a comprehensive analysis of the research problem. The sample size was 45 altogether; 5 Head teachers and 40 teachers. Semi structured interview schedules were used to collect data from the Head teachers whilst questionnaires were used to collect information from teachers. The study yielded some important findings with respect to factors contributing to excellent grade 12 performances in mission schools. It established in complete agreement with the literature reviewed that the reasons for the excellent performance include high teacher motivation, manageable classes, eclectic leadership, conducive and supportive working environment. The study established that motivated teachers are committed and dedicated, attend to the needs of individual learners, prepare adequately for teaching, effectively assess learners, and engage parents in the children‟s learning. Additionally, the study established that measures used by Head teachers use to achieve and maintain excellent performance at grade 12 include promoting a spirit of team work, supporting and empowering teachers. Following the study of findings, it is recommended that the School Managers should be proactive and engage all stakeholders to improve the physical working environment of teachers; and then in producing teaching and learning materials. Furthermore, school managers should endervour to identify the specific needs of the teachers under their charge which if not met would lead to demotivation.
Mission schools--Zambia. , Government schools--Zambia. , Grant-aided schools--Zambia.