Effect of high pupil-teacher ratio on the quality of the teaching/learning process of mathematics in selected public secondary schools of Lusaka district.

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Kalemba, Christabel. M
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The University of Zambia
The purpose of the study was to assess the effect of pupil-teacher ratio on the quality of teaching and learning process of mathematics in selected public secondary schools of Lusaka district. Four specific research objectives which guided the study were; to determine the proportion of pupils in an average class in public secondary schools of Lusaka district; to establish the average pupil-teacher ratio in public secondary schools of Lusaka district; to determine the effects of class size on the teaching/learning process in public secondary schools of Lusaka district; and ascertain the strategies to improve or promote the quality of teaching/learning Mathematics in selected Public Secondary Schools of Lusaka District. The study employed descriptive survey design, and both qualitative and quantitative approaches were used to carry out the study. The methods employed during data collection were survey, interviews, focus group and document review. Interview guides and questionnaires were used as tools for data collection. Random and purposive sampling procedures were used to sample data from the respondents. The study revealed that pupil-teacher ratio is high in most public secondary schools and has a negative effect on pupil academic performance in public secondary schools. From the findings, it is recommended that the government should employ competent teachers in order to increase the teaching force and encourage people with academic qualifications to join the teaching profession.
Teacher turnover--Cross-cultural studies. , Pupil-teacher ratio.