Pedagogical use of information and communication technology by teachers in selected primary schools.
Ngulube, Thandiwe
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The University of Zambia
The study was centred on exploring the Primary School Teachers’ attitudes towards the pedagogical Information and Communication Technology (ICT) use. The main focus was on the training, the access to equipment and the frequency of use as these were believed to be the key indicators of the attitudes that teachers have towards ICT use. The objectives of the study were; to ascertain how adequately trained the teachers in Chikuyu zone are in ICT pedagogical use, to explore how often the teachers in Chikuyu zone access ICT facilities for use in classroom teaching, to ascertain how often ICT equipment are used in classroom teaching and to propose initiatives that can be put in place to enhance pedagogical ICT use.
The theories used where Diffusion of Innovation theory by Rogers, (2003) and the Technology Acceptance Model by Baggozi and Warshaw, (1989). The Diffusion of Innovation entails that there are different rates at which people adopt new technologies and these rates are as a result of attitudes attached to the innovation. The Technology Acceptance Models state that two things characterise the acceptance of an innovation by people, these are; Perceived-ease-of-use and Perceived-usefulness. The two theories informed the study through their ability to ascertain the perception and attitude behind every action. The descriptive survey design under qualitative approach was used in the study. Data collection was done using; semi-structured interviews, focus group discussions and observations. Target population were ten schools in Chikuyu zone where a total sample of forty (40) class teachers and ten (10) head teachers was collected using purposive sampling and this made use of the typical sampling procedure. Data was analysed using the emerging themes from the questions which were a mirror of the research objectives.
The major finding were that teachers had a negative attitude towards ICT pedagogical use and this was as a result of having no adequate training, lacking equipment and less frequency in ICT classroom use. Recommendations were made that the Ministry must train teachers, provide ICT equipment and power sources for village schools, technical support to be offered to teachers during ICT use, build bigger laboratories to match the increasing numbers of pupils and match the pupil-computer ratios.
Educational technology. , Computer-assisted instruction. , Teaching--Computer network resources. , Education--Computer network resources. , Education--Study and teaching. , Teaching--Aids and devices.