Reading culture in Zambia: perspectives of selected households of Zambia on their reading practices.

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Daka, Harrison
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Journal of Lexicography and Terminology
The absence of reading habits has historically dominated much of Zambian households regardless of the presence or absence of reading materials. These reading practices were the focus of the present study that sought to address three research questions: (i) to determine the historical culture of reading in respondents’ households, (ii) to establish the views of selected Zambian residents on factors contributing to low reading culture in Zambia, and (iii) to ascertain the workable solutions to improve the reading culture among some Zambians. Data was collected using face-to-face and telephone interviews and open-ended questionnaire. The qualitative mode of inquiry was used to guide this study. Findings of the study revealed an increase in reading culture among some urban families with access to smart phones, tablets, and laptops. However, families that lacked such gadgets did not practice reading in their homes with exception of a few. Those that practiced reading had a bias to social media posts and shorter ones were preferred. Students liked reading but not for fun or pleasure, but it was a requirement for them to pass certain courses. In all homes, the history of consistent reading practices was absent to a considerable extent. Among the reasons cited for poor reading culture included historical background, Inadequate resources/poverty, and disinterestedness of readers. The provision of free internet in public places, the creation of public libraries in districts, creation of a reading hour in schools, and encouraging families to develop interest in reading to their children were among the recommendations. Key Words: reading culture, reading culture in Africa, reading, reading culture in Zambia.