Health related quality of life among cervical survivors in Lusaka district, Zambia.
Moonde, Chisaji
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The Univewrsity of Zambia.
Health Related Quality of Life is an essential health outcome for improving clinical care and determining targets of intervention for managing cervical cancer survivors. In Zambia the number of cervical cancer survivors is increasing owing to the recent advancement in cancer treatment. However, little is known and documented on HRQoL among CCS. This study determined HRQoL among CCS.
A cross-sectional study involving 83 cervical cancer survivors with histologically-diagnosed cervical cancer was conducted at Cancer Diseases and University Teaching Hospitals in Lusaka, Zambia from October 2019 to December 2019. An interview schedule containing questions from the European Organization for Research and Cancer treatment core 30 and Cervical 24 questionnaires version 4 and self - structured questions were used to collect data. The study was approved by the University of Zambia Biomedical Research Ethics Committee and the National Health Research Authority. Data was analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences Version 25 with confidence level set at 95%. The chi- square test and linear regression were applied in testing for associations. The total score of the questionnaire in the domains of HRQoL range from 0 to 100, with higher scores (≥ 66.7%), indicating a good HRQoL.
The mean score for overall HRQoL was 60.9 (SD=21.4). Better scores were observed in the domains of physical, functional and psychological wellbeing with mean and standard deviations as follows: 71.4 (SD 26.5), 68.2 (SD 26.5), 69.1 (SD 22.8) respectively. Social wellbeing domain presented with the worst score 57.9 (SD 21.4). Time point of treatment and stage of cancer at diagnosis were found to be statistically significant in association with overall Health Related quality of Life after a linear regression test.
Cervical cancer survivors experience good physical, functional and psychological wellbeing, while they perform poorly in the social wellbeing and overall HRQoL due to a large proportion of patients presenting with advanced stages of cervical cancer at diagnosis, financial challenges associated with the disease and treatment and poor family support. The researcher recommends that there is need to include HRQoL assessment in routine management of cervical cancer survivors to enhance their quality of life. In addition, the researcher also recommends that a similar study to be conducted using random sampling to validate the findings of the present study.
Thesis of Master of Science in Midwifery, Women’s and Child Health.