The implementation of interactive methodologies in teaching HIV and AIDS prevention to learners with hearing impairments: A case of two secondary schools for the hearing impaired learners in Zambia.
Muzata, Kenneth .K
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This is a report of research findings on how the Interactive Methodologies were being implemented in the teaching of HIV and AIDS to learners with hearing impairments in special schools. It was not known before this study how the interactive methodologies were being implemented in special schools though studies have been done in ordinary schools. The objectives of the study were to find out whether and how teachers were implementing the Interactive Methodologies in teaching HIV and AIDS prevention to learners with hearing impairments and to find out which Interactive Methodologies teachers and learners with hearing impairments found effective in teaching and learning about HIV and AIDS prevention respectively. The methods used in the gathering of data for this study were questionnaires, interviews, and a checklist. Questionnaires were administered to both learners and teachers in two secondary special schools namely Nyowe and Kameho Special Schools. Due to ethical considerations, Nyowe and Kameho are pseudonyms. The interviews on teachers were meant to dig deeper information on the challenges of teaching HIV and AIDS prevention to learners with hearing impairments. The interview guide helped cover up gaps that could not be filled by teachers in the questionnaires. It also acted as a triangulation tool for the study. The checklist also helped collect extra data on how conducive the learning environments were for teaching HIV and AIDS prevention. The sample was sixty five (65) teachers and learner respondents distributed into twenty nine (29) teachers, two (2) head teachers and thirty four (34) learners with hearing impairments.
The findings were that Interactive Methodologies were being implemented in teaching HIV and AIDS as ordinary teaching methods and not as methods for imparting life skills recommended in the Interactive Methodologies Manual for 2003. However, the Interactive Methodologies were found to be a very effective means of teaching HIV and AIDS prevention by teachers though they reported several challenges during implementation. Among the critical challenges reported were, lack of teaching materials, limited sign language vocabulary and teacher incompetence in sign language. These were said to hinder implementation of the Interactive Methodologies.
Some of the recommendations are that the Ministry of Education (MoE) should train specialist teachers in interactive methodologies, provide necessary teaching (including the training manual) and learning resources (suitable for modern learning), and provide an enabling environment for the development of sign language. Teacher training colleges and universities other than the Zambia Institute of Special Education (ZAMISE) and The University of Zambia (UNZA) training teachers should include sign language in their curriculum to prepare teachers for teaching the hearing impaired learners adequately. Further, nongovernmental organizations and the general community should support the fight against HIV and AIDS amongst the hearing impaired through information dissemination.
The results for this study are applicable to the two sites where the study was done though the challenges and experiences, may be the same in other schools for the hearing impaired learners.
Hiv and Aids--Zambia , Hearing mpairments