A study to determine factors contributing to caesarean sectionl incisional wound infections at the University Teaching Hospital.
Kashika, Edwin.
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The aim of the study was to determine the factors that contribute to post-operative incisional wound infections at U.T.H. The post-operative incisional wound infection rate at the institution, among the women who had under gone caesarean section operations was quiet thigh. Consequently, majority of the women were staying much longer for treatment and the hospital was incurring huge costs in terms of procuring the antibiotics and other surgical requirements.
A descriptive study was used with a study sample of (50) fifty respondents, who were selected by convenient sampling technique.
The data was collected using a checklist and by review of some medical records of the respondents. Data was sorted out, coded, and systematically analysed.
The analysis of the study results, revealed that;56% of the study respondents received adequate pre-operative care while 44% did not received adequate pre-operative care. The findings also revealed that adequate pre-operative care helps to prevent incisional wound infection rates. Prophylaxis antibiotics, was also noted as one of the measures that could reduce the chances of post-operative wound infections.
The level of Nurse intra-operative care was adequate in 100% of the cases observed. The study findings indicated that, good aseptic techniques, such as hand-washing, scrubbing of the hands, adherence to a clean operating environment, all help to prevent post operative wound infections.
Obstetrics --Surgery.