Factors influencing consumer brand choice of cordial beverages: a case of spaka cordial drinks brand.

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Shawa, Sarah
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The University of Zambia.
Consumer choice is generally determined by various factors such as product attributes, social factors surrounding the consumer, as well as marketing factors. The objective of the study was to explore factors influencing consumer choice for cordial drinks, particularly focusing on SPAKA brand manufactured by Wanzana Processing Limited. 140 structured questionnaires were distributed to a cross section of consumers across Lusaka using a convenient, non-probability sampling method. Data was analyzed using the Statistical Package of Social Sciences (SPSS V.16). The analysis was both descriptive and analytical in nature as it sought to establish percentage rates and Pearson correlations between variables. The Findings revealed that majority of beverage consumers in excess of 65.4% were not aware of the existence of SPAKA drink. And even among those that are aware of it, none of them indicated that it was their favourite, while majority of them rated its quality as poor. The study further revealed that factors that significantly influenced the buying decision of consumers of cordial beverages were marital status, taste, brand name, advertising and packaging. The study concluded that manufacturers of drinks, particularly Spaka brand, should focus on the quality of their drinks. Specifically, there is need to advertise the drink more and attractively package it so that it is known to the public. The study recommended that manufacturers should continue to invest heavily in the cordial beverage industry as they are guaranteed a market for cordial beverages, since they are popular amongst Lusaka residents.
Thesis of Master of Business Administration in Management Strategy.