The perceived scarcity of land and the role of civic authorities in resolving land disputes: Chowa Mpanga area in Kabwe peri-urban.
Sitali, Kakene
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The University of Zambia
There can be no meaningful development without an efficient and effective land administration
system. In order to enhance national development, land should be more available for different
economic ventures such as agriculture and industry. Land is the object of competition. This is
because; land can be used as an economic asset, as a connection with identity and social
legitimacy. Access to land is key to national development. And to the contrary failure to have
access to this resource can be detrimental to development. The Zambian government currently
does not have a land policy. The only document available is a draft policy which was made
available in 2006. And it still remains a draft up to date. The current national discourse on land
issues largely focuses on the lack of transparency in land allocation and administration on both
customary and state land which affects stakeholders from subsistence farming to large investors.
Land disputes are common in virtually all societies. In an ideal setting, strong institutions and
transparent procedures can resolve such disputes or at least channel them into a process that
minimizes their potential to foster violent disputes. However, in settings characterized by
insecurity, inequality and weak or unrepresentative institutions, such grievances may be
aggravated through sheer neglect or predatory and discriminatory policies. In Africa land is held
in high esteem by all members of society, it is appreciated by all members of the community as it
is considered the beginning of all life and development, it is sacred to the common African man.
The aim of this study was to explore the role that Kabwe municipal council play in resolving
land disputes. The general objective of the study was to investigate factors that lead to land
disputes in peri-urban areas of Kabwe district and how civic authorities resolve these disputes.
This study was a qualitative study. Thus it explored various mechanisms used in the allocation of
land, what led to land disputes and the means to which these disputes are resolved.
Land administration--Zambia.