The effect of using computer-based library management system on information provision in University libraries:The case of University of Zambia Library

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Nganga, Precious W.
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The study used a case study to assess the effect of using computer-based library management system (LMS) on information provision at the University of Zambia library. Respondents comprised librarians (n=19), academic staff (n=34), and students (n=115) from University of Zambia Great East Road Campus. Data was collected via interviews with librarians in charge of housekeeping functions and these are acquisition, cataloguing, serials, and public service while questionnaires were distributed to other librarians, and library users who were academic staff and students. The specific objectives were to 1) assess whether using computer-based LMS had resulted in acquiring library materials efficiently 2) investigate whether using computer-based LMS in cataloguing had resulted in processing library materials efficiently 3) establish whether using computer-based LMS at circulations control had made information provision to library users fostei ^ assess ^Yyeftvex \xsmg, compuXex-\>as>e& \MS> aX serves secX\otv \va& xes\2\Xe& m improved information provision to library users 5) investigate whether using computer-based system had an effect on information access by library users. Using a qualitative research design, the study revealed that using computer-based LMS had enhanced efficiency in providing library and information services at the UNZA library. This was because the use of computer-based LMS removed the repetitive traditional library routines that characterised the processes of acquiring, processing, retrieval and dissemination of information in the manual system. The study also revealed that there were challenges faced by both library staff and users such as high computer-student ratio; poor internet connectivity; shortage of manpower for operations and poor maintenance of computers; obsolete equipment, mainly as a result of lack of funds. The other challenges faced by both staff and library users was lack of user education policy and shortage of staff to train library users on how to use the equipment and software provided by the library for effective information retrieval. The study made recommendations such as the need to have a library server so as to minimise the poor internet connectivity since most of the library functions and operations rely on the availability of internet; the need to employ qualified manpower for operations and maintenance of computer; and need to come up with user education policy to equip the users with knowledge and skills on information retrieval and other library services available.
Management information systems. , Libraries-- Automation , Integrated library systems (Computer systems) , Information technology , Infromation retrieval