The influence of broken homes on pupill academic performance in selected schools in mbala district: lessons for school managers
Kasoma, Frank
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The study investigated the influence of broken homes on pupil academic performance in selected schools of Mbala District. The study aimed at determining the extent to which broken homes influenced the performance of pupils in schools.
A case study design was used which combined qualitative and quantitative techniques of data collection and analysis. However, the study was more inclined to the qualitative research paradigm. The target population comprised teachers, pupils and school administrators. Other informants included Education Standards Officers, Provincial Education Officer and Civil Society Organisations. Purposive sampling procedures were used for the ninety-one (91) respondents who participated in the study.
Data were collected through questionnaires, semi-structured interviews, in-depth interviews and analysis of documents. Qualitative data were analysed thematically through identification of themes and sub-themes that emerged. Basic descriptive statistics such as frequencies, percentages and tables were used in the analysis of quantitative data.
The study found that broken homes contributed to poor pupil performance in most cases. Differences were found in performance with pupils from unbroken families out performing pupils from broken families in the subjects they were tested. The study noted that pupils from broken families’ experienced a lot of emotional difficulties as they tried to cope with changes brought about by their parents divorce or separation. However, it was noted that not all children from broken families performed poorly in class. The study found that the home environment was critical in the academic performance of pupils, as learning whether at home or school occurred through the environment.
The study recommended that schools should devise ways of helping children from emotionally and culturally deprived homes through increased collaboration with members of the community.
Teacher education curriculum should strengthen the study of child growth and development. This will assist teachers in understanding some of the problems pupils from broken homes face. The Ministry of Education and Civil Society Organizations working in schools should institute academic support to children from broken families in the early years of schooling even in the absence of evidence of psychological problems. Head teachers ought to scrutinize and study individual cases of children that are enrolled in schools and learn about their family backgrounds so that those that need special attention are identified as soon as possible. Local communities should be sensitized on the effects of broken homes on school going children. Local and international organizations supporting the welfare of children should spearhead this campaign
: educational psychology , Academic achievement