Efficacy of organisational power in the management of primary schools in Lusaka district, Lusaka province, Zambia.
Kaluba, Gladys
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The University of Zambia
The study explored the efficacy of organizational power in the management of primary schools in Lusaka District.
The study was conducted in Lusaka District at two primary schools. Both schools are situated in the peripheral of the District, here by stated as A Primary School while the other school is called as New B Primary School. The study used a mixed method by incorporating both quantitative and qualitative approaches in order to gain insight on how organizational power influences the management of primary schools. In-depth interviews and Focused Group Discussions (FGDs) were the primary data collection method used. While secondary data collection involved pursuing relevant literature from journal articles, internet and books. Purposive sampling and random sampling for teachers, senior teachers, deputy head teachers and headteachers were used to select the participants for the study. Two (2) headteachers from the two primary schools and two (2) deputy headteachers were equally purposively selected including three (3) senior teachers and ten (10) teachers from each of the two selected schools making a total of thirty (30) participants.
The findings of the study were that the efficacy of organizational power in the management of primary schools in Lusaka District of Zambia had two types of power used by the headteachers in the two schools. Headteachers mostly used legitimate and expert power. Findings proved that the organizational goals were achieved though through difficult conditions. The study found that for the headteachers to produce the desired results, they need to combine positional and personal power sources. Teachers were able to effectively perform if the headteacher used their organizational power professionally.
The study recommended that headteachers needed to be involved continuously in capacity building workshops in order to ensure that quality education become a reality. It further recommended the use of a combination of the various types of power like referent, reward, expert, legitimate and coercive.
Elementary school administration--Zambia.