Land conflict resolution mechanisms in Kalikiliki Settlement,Lusaka
Mbilikita, Chilombo
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The University of Zambia
The high density of people living per unit area in Kalikiliki, which is an informal settlement, has created land use conflicts. The prevalence of these unresolved land use conflicts presents a challenge for settlement upgrading. Without resolving land use conflicts, settlement upgrading will be a challenge.
The first objective of the study was to identify the nature and causes of land use conflicts in Kalikiliki. The second objective looked at assessing the mechanisms for land conflict resolution in Kalikiliki while the third objective sought to assess the parameters that could be used to promote sustainable land use conflict resolution in settlement upgrading. The data was collected using snowball sampling for the community residents and the key informants were selected using purposive sampling. The information collected was analyzed using descriptive analysis with tables and frequencies, and thematic analysis.
The findings revealed that the main land use conflicts prevalent in Kalikiliki were land encroachments, conflicts of public interest, double land allocations, improper siting of pit latrines and indiscriminate dumping of solid waste. These land conflicts were caused by corruption within the community leadership structure, lack of a land register, limited accessibility networks, lack of conflict documentation, absence of a solid waste management system, limited land rights provided in the occupancy license and undefined plot boundaries.
The mechanisms used in the resolution of the identified land use conflicts were own negotiations between the two parties in conflict. Other mechanisms available to the Kalikiliki residents were negotiation with the help of local community institutions such as the Lusaka City Council, Ward Development Committee and the Zambia Police.
The parameters for sustainable land use conflict resolution include: a transparent and efficient Ward Development Committee to handle land use related conflict and local community conflict resolution institutions to employ a conflict resolution tool that promotes equity and agreement by both parties. Other parameters include documentation of land use conflict and their resolution, and enhancing security of tenure by increasing the land rights provided for in the occupancy license from only the building to the land surrounding the building.
The overall conclusion of the study was that the mechanisms of land use conflict resolution in Kalikiliki settlement are predominately negotiations, between individuals or through the leadership structures within the community. Therefore, in order to reduce land use conflicts in settlement upgrading, these community structures need to be enhanced with conflict resolution skills in order to deal with land use conflicts in a cooperative manner in order to generate mutually beneficial options for the parties involved in the conflict.
Key Words: Conflict resolution, negotiation, settlement upgrading,
onflict-Mediation-Lusaka,Zambia , Conflicts-Lusaka,Zambia , Conflict Management-Lusaka,Zambia , Dispute resolution-Lusaka,Zambia