The effectiveness of Mukonchi Rural Health Centre of Kapiri Mposhi District in Providing reproductive Health information to women of reproductive age: A case study of Zambian Compound of Mukonchi in Central Province

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Musondan, Susan
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This report is based Clinic of Kapiri Mposhi District: A case on the result of the authors‟ attachment to Mukonchi Rural Health study of Zambian Compound of Mukonchi. The overall objective was to find out the effectiveness of Munkonchi Rural Health Centre in providing reproductive health information to women of age. The research and writing of this report was the final phase of the partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Master of Communication for Development degree at the University of Zambia. The aim of the study was to establish women‟s awareness of the existence of reproductive health information at Mukonchi clinic; furthermore to determine if females access information from the clinic and also to find out if the mode of information provision by the clinic was effective. The other aim was to determine the attitudes of women towards reproductive health information. Furthermore the aim was to see how cooperative and encouraging men (husbands) were in assisting women to access reproductive health information. The methodology that was used in the study consisted of the use of systematic random sampling in picking respondents to the questionnaires. This was done to make sure that all categories in terms of reproductive women and their spouses was proportionately represented. In-depth interview, focus group discussion, observations and use of secondary data were some of the sources of information. Quantitative data was analysed using Statistical Package of Social sciences (SPSS). The findings of the study showed that Mukonchi Rural Health centre uses different approaches to communicate to the women of age which ranges from weekly health educational programmes, drama groups, involvement of the church and the neighbourhood health committee members. The major challenge faced by the clinic in disseminating information to women of age is that most women in the area have very low education levels. The other challenge faced by the clinic is that there is so much dependence on just one method of information dissemination. The weekly health education programmes stood out to be the most effective way of information dissemination. However, this method needs to be supplemented by other methods to enhance its effectiveness. Finally the observations and recommendations have been made in order to improve the communication pattern among women and men of reproductive age to increase the adoption rate which would result in proper utilisation of these reproductive health services.
Information services-Zambia , Health education-Zambia