Examining the extent to which HIV/AIDS is integrated in teaching of subjects in Basic Schools: A case study of Kabulonga Basic School in Lusaka Urban District

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Chishimba, Mwenya Rose
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The purpose of the study was to examine the extent to which HIV/AIDS was integrated in teaching of subjects in Basic Schools. The study was targeted at pupils and teachers in Basic Schools using Kabulonga Basic School as a case study.The sample used consisted of fifty (50) persons. This number included ten (10) teachers and forty (40) pupils. Data was collected using the interview guides, questionnaires and an observation checklist. Findings, discussions, conclusions and recommendations were based on the data collected. Analysis was done in percentages.The study revealed that teachers had no recognized formal training from teachers training colleges which made them not equipped to teaching HIV/AIDS. Very few teachers had had training by NGO's but these had different targets. This was further compounded by lack of materials for class work. Curriculum Development Centre had just started producing some as pilot project. These were very few and not adequate for the work. Curriculum Development Centre (CDC) has produced a new syllabus which integrates HIV/AIDS in all subjects taught in Basic Schools.This new curriculum has not yet been exposed to teachers. There has been no follow-up training for teachers to handle such. While steps are being made to tackle the integration of HIV/AIDS in the School Curriculum, there is no enough background work done and implemented. Workshops, seminars and refresher courses should be done more often on the part of the teacher and materials should be available at all levels of the pupils.