The role of peer education in the prevention of HIV and AIDS amongst the youths with disabilities in selected schools/units of Mansa, Zambia.

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Mutale, Gift
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The University of Zambia
This research endeavoured to establish the importance of peer education in the prevention of HIV and AIDS among the physically impaired learners. It was conducted in four special schools in Mansa of Luapula Province of Zambia. The study used simple random sampling and purposive (typical case) sampling where a sample of sixty (60) respondents was picked to participate in the study. The sample was drawn from four special units hence the disabilities are varied because they are located in ordinary schools. The data was collected using focussed group discussions and interview guides. Thematic analysis was used to analyse qualitative data because major issues were drawn from focussed group discussions and interviews. Responses were coded and grouped to establish emerging themes in the study. Data was then presented manually using tables and figures. The study found that peer education is among the most effective ways in prevention of HIV and AIDS if well implemented amongst the pupils with disabilities pupils. It has been found out that Peer education is an effective strategy to reach out students and teachers in support and prevention of HIV and AIDS. It can positively affect HIV and AIDS education and promotion activities. The presence of an appropriate peer education intervention can help developing lasting partnership and collaboration activities in schools. The importance of peer counseling is increasingly recognized for HIV and AIDS prevention in the school and other work places. However, it was found that the programme was very tasking in terms of organizing various resources, time and equipment for use during peer education in order to transmit and disseminate information about the prevention of HIV and AIDS. In this view it is therefore recommended that special students should be trained as peer educators just like other so-called normal students. If structured, appropriately, peer education program in special schools can be provided to the institutions as it will help to create awareness amongst the youths with disabilities rather than waiting for external peer educators. Peer education in special schools is a fruitful and result oriented approach and can lead to development of innovative program if well implemented in their respective institutions.
Thesis of Master of Science in Counselling.