Exploring teachers’ experiences in the teaching of civic education as part of the social studies subject in selected schools of Luanshya district.
Musho Mate, Matilda
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University of Zambia
The study explored teachers’ experiences in the teaching of Civic Education as part of the Social Studies subject in selected schools of Luanshya district. The purpose of the study was to establish the views of teachers on merging of Civic Education as part of the Social Studies subject, challenges in the teaching of Civic Education and suggest interventions to improve the teachers’ experiences in the teaching of Civic Education as part of the Social Studies subject. The study employed the qualitative social constructivism research paradigm. A Sample of 15 participants was used, which included 12 Civic Education teachers and 3 Heads of Department. Homogenous purposeful sampling procedure was used to select all the participants and the instruments for data collection were semi-structured interview schedule for Heads of Department, FGDs for Civic Education teachers and observation checklist for Civics teachers. Data was analyzed thematically. The study found that teachers had mixed view on the merging of Civic Education as part of the Social Studies subject. The study found that minority of teachers felt that the merging of Civic Education as part of the Social Studies subject was good because it benefited the learners as they only wrote one subject during the examination as opposed to three subjects. On the other hand, majority of the teachers felt that the merging of Civic Education made the subject bulk, it reduced the number of periods, limited time to complete syllabus and increased pressure on untrained teachers with inadequate skills and competency in teaching all the three components of Social Studies. The study also unveiled that the teaching of Civic Education as part of the Social Studies subject was characterised by challenges such as environmental challenges, instructional and material challenges and teacher incompetence. To address these challenges, teachers were engaged in Continuing Professional Development (CPDs), purchased of Civic Education teaching and learning resources, engaged in research practices and provided of remedial works to cover up on time. Based on the findings of the study, it was recommended that MoGE should train more teachers of Social Studies, provide schools with the necessary teaching and learning resources, schools should engage in seminars, workshops and CPDs, improve the infrastructure for teaching in schools. Further, the government should support teachers who are engaged in writing books for social studies in schools, teachers should be encouraged to engage in action research practices, consultations from colleagues on best practices for teaching the subject and increase funding to the schools. The recommendation for future research is that further research be done on the best practices and pedagogies for teaching crowded classrooms.
Civic education--Study and teaching. , Civic education. , Civics--Study and teaching (Secondary)--Zambia.