Implementation of school-based continuing professional development (SBCPD) in selected secondary schools of Mazabuka district.

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Sikombe, Gift
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The University of Zambia
The purpose of this study was to assess the implementation of School-Based CPDs in secondary schools of Mazabuka District. The study used three basic research questions. The research design employed in the study was the Concurrent nested design using a mixed approach. The major approach was quantitative and qualitative was nested. The sampling techniques used included purposive sampling and simple random sampling techniques. The study population size targeted was 150 and the sample size was 4 head teachers, 4 deputy head teachers, 12 heads of departments, 4 CPD co-ordinators and 36 subject teachers. All the respondents were sampled from 4 secondary schools of Mazabuka District with junior and senior classes (grades 8-12). Structured and semi- structured questionnaire were administered to all the 60 respondents of which 51 of them were properly filled in and returned successfully for analysis. The information gathered was analyzed quantitatively using SPSS to project percentages, frequencies and graphs. Closed and open-ended interview questions were designed for the deputy heads and CPD co-ordinators. The results were transcribed, recorded and narrated qualitatively. A focus group discussion was designed and applied to subject teachers in groups of 6. The results were transcribed and recorded for analysis and were narrated qualitatively. Document analysis was done from each of the selected schools. The focus was on The CPD Book, CPD Work Plan and other relevant documents from the department. The findings indicated that most SBCPDs in selected secondary schools of Mazabuka District were implemented during learners learning and teaching time. This meant that there was no sustainable planning on the implementation of SBCPD in the schools to avoid affecting learner time. The school administrators were providing insufficient planning on the appropriate time for SBCPD implementation. The results established that the schools were receiving sufficient support from the school administrators in terms of financial and materials. On the perception of teachers on School-Based CPDs implementation, most subject teachers indicated that CPDs ease challenging topics, reinforced knowledge sharing and collaboration among the communities of practice, enabled teachers acquire new methods of teaching, built confidence in teachers in their classroom instructions and learners benefited from knowledge and skills that teachers acquired. To overcome challenges encountered in the implementation of SBCPDs in selected secondary schools, recommendations were made. Recommendations include: Schools were encouraged to implement SBCPDs during non-teaching and learning time, increased number of SBCPD meetings so as to achieve adequate impact. School administrators to be actively involved in sustainable planning of SBCPD implementation in schools and to step-up their support to enhance teacher participation. Subject teachers were encouraged to submit challenging topics for discussion, keep SBCPD lesson study records safe and strengthen individual consultative approach to problem-solving.
School-based continuing professional development--Secondary schools.