Guaranteeing regular and adequate water supply to customers in Munali catchment

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Kafwaulula, Aveless
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The University of Zambia
Like in many countries, the provision of quality water has been a major concern of the Zambian government. To this effect, the government has issued a number of policies aimed at addressing water supply and management concerns. Positive outcomes from these policies have however been overshadowed by the ever increasing challenges of rapid population growth, urbanization, aging infrastructure as well as financial constraints to mention but few challenges. Funding from other governments and donor agencies with the aim of improving livelihoods has been sought and secured from time to time. However, the actual delivery of water services has generally not matched the concern, leaving gaps in effectiveness and consumer satisfaction. This research assessed guaranteeing of water supply to customers by Lusaka Water and Sewerage Company in Munali Catchment, of Lusaka District, following the 1994 Water Sector Reforms in Zambia. The study covered seven community locations of Munali Catchment namely Jesmondine, Chudleigh, PHI, Minestone, Chainama, Kaunda Square Stage I, and Kaunda Square Stage II. Purposive selection of household respondents and service providers and other institutions with a stake in water supply was used. Coverage and utilization of water supply was assessed by questionnaire based interviews and observation. Results obtained indicated that although there has been an increase in numbers of people in Townships of Munali Catchment, accessing clean water and the number of hours of supplying water to customers was still low at points of household connection. Low income communities had less access to such services because of little investments in water supply. Key words: Access, Water supply, service and delivery.
Water supply--Zambia , Water utilities--Lusaka Water and Sewerage Company--Zambia