Factors that promote gender inequalities in Kapululwe Conservation farming project in Chongwe District
Mukuka, Regina
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This study investigated the gender inequalities in rural Developmental projects in Zambia, a case study of the Kapululwe conservation farming project under World Vision Zambia, Chongwe District. The purpose of the study was to establish the extent to which women and men participate in Conservation farming project. The study was conducted in Kapululwe Area Development Project (ADP) Chongwe District in Lusaka province from September to January 2012. In order to collect Qualitative and Quantitative data, questionnaires and focus group discussion were used. A total number of 200 Questionnaires were distributed and out of which 180 were collected. The study used both qualitative and quantitative methods to collect data. Semi-structured interview questions, Focus group discussion and in depth interviews were used to collect primary data. The statistical package of social sciences (SPSS) was used to analyze data.The study context was that gender inequalities are still prevalent in rural areas in Zambia affecting the effectiveness of the impacts of development projects in these areas. The findings of this study show that gender inequalities are still prevalent in rural areas in spite of current government efforts to arrest the situation mainly owing to the following major factors namely; (i) traditional stereotypes such as tribal and religious cultures that restrict women from speaking in public, taking up decision making positions and early marriages for girls etc (ii) Lower education (literacy and numeracy) levels among women compared with their men counterpart (iii) Lack of will by project planners who still don’t yet appreciate the importance of gender analysis and gender mainstreaming strategies at all stages of the project cycle especially in the formulation, design and implementation of community development project interventions. According to the findings of this study, these three issues coupled with poor National Gender Policy implementation have contributed to the perpetuation of gender inequalities in Rural Zambia as observed from the findings of this study. This study has adequately recognized and acknowledged current government efforts to eliminate gender inequalities especially with the aim to eliminate the discriminatory practices, policies and laws that continue to disadvantage women participation and benefiting from development compared to their men counterparts. But this study observes that these efforts are more concentrated in urban than rural areas and many development partners and Non-governmental organizations only give attention to gender issues as a matter of choice and not as a matter policy. This study recommends that government, its development partners and NGOs should make it mandatory to ensure that gender analysis and mainstreaming become an integral part of all community project interventions with no exception at all. It’s the belief of this study that if gender analysis and mainstreaming become an integral part of all community project intervention, coupled with aggressive sensitization and awareness campaigns on the importance of gender equality and equity to all players including communities, an indelible mark could be made against gender inequalities in rural Zambia
Women in Agriculture-Zambia , Conservation Farming.