Teachers’ and parents’ views about teacher-parent collaboration in learners’ homework: a case of one selected primary school in Ndola, Zambia.

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Sivile, Brian Mulonda
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The University of Zambia.
The study explored teacher-parent collaboration in learners’ homework in one school of Ndola District. The objectives of the study were to: explore the type of parental involvement in their childrens’ homework. To find out parents’ views about their involvement in their childrens’ homework. Investigate teachers’ views about parents’ involvement in homework. Using Interpretive phenomenological research design the study utilised a sample of 12 participants from one selected school in Ndola District which included 6 grade five teachers and 6 parents whose children were in grade five. Purposive sampling was used to select teachers and parents while convenient sampling was used in selecting the school were the study was conducted. Semi structured interview guides were used to collect data which was analysed using the interpretive phenomenological analysis. The major findings in the study revealed that parents got involved in their children’s homework by providing materials to their children, supervising childrens’ homework, they also sought external help in homework and asked teachers to clarify homework issues where needed. On the views teachers get from parents regarding homework, the study found out that, illiteracy hindered their participation, busy schedules and lack of cooperation between teachers and parents were noted. On the importance of homework, the study revealed that homework motivated parents to check pupils’ books, gave confidence in learners and ideas were shared by both teachers and parents. The study concluded on teachers’ views on the need for parent-teacher collaboration in homework and findings were that, learners’ weaknesses are easily noticed, reading skills are improved, absenteeism is also reduced in learners and discipline among learners is improved. Based on the findings, the study recommended that there was need for effective communication between teachers and parents in the giving of homework, this could be enhanced through having frequent PTA meetings to sensitise the parents on the importance of homework to learners. That the Ministry of General Education should familiarise the giving of homework in schools by putting it on the time table for learners.
Thesis of Master of Education in Educational Psychology.