The degree of community participation in managing School Finances in selected schools in Mansa District

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Chituma, Mulenga Martin
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Title: The Degree of Community Participation in Managing School Finances in Selected Schools in Mansa District. The Purpose of the Study The purpose of this study was to look at school improvement. This was seen in terms of enhancing efficiency in dispensing and managing school finances. What was realized was that schools experienced a lot of problems most of which were finance related. To solve these problems, two approaches were envisaged. 1.To establish and promote a sense of community ownership of schools located in their areas. 2.To see school improvement as a combined effort of communities and staff in schools.Methodology Data were collected from six categories of respondents as follows: pupils, school bursars, teachers, head teachers, the District Education Board Secretary (DEBS) and community members. The study was approached from the combined method of quantitative and qualitative designs.Findings The main findings of the study were that schools' finances were mostly controlled and spent by heads of school with very little involvement of local communities. This was despite the fact that most parents of the children who attended the schools that were under study were economically constrained.Conclusions The major conclusions were that the staff in schools showed reluctance to incorporate local communities in the financial operations of their schools. Largely, this was encouraged by heads of school who in fact were in charge of funds. But on the general level, parents expressed willingness to participate in the management of finances. Recommendations The offices of the Provincial Education Officer (PEO) and the District Education Board Secretary (DEBS) should impress upon heads of school to cultivate good working relationships with the communities where schools are located. The two offices should help school staff to build closer links with local communities in the implementation of school activities so as to lessen mistrust between them. Suggestions for further Research 1.Since this study covered very few schools, more studies need to be conducted in other schools in other areas in order to compare the findings. 2.Other studies in other school aspects e.g., school discipline, academic achievements of pupils, school administration, etc., which call for the participation of communities would contribute positively to the improvement of schools.
School Districts -- Finance -- Mansa District , Education -- Finance -- Mansa District , Community Development -- Finance , Community Education -- Mansa