Lecturers’ pedagogical practices on student teachers with visual impairement in physical education and sports classrooms at a selected college of education in Central province.
Kalaba, Dorothy
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The University of Zambia
The study explored lecturers’ pedagogical practices on student teachers with visual impairment (VI) in Physical Education and Sports (PES) classrooms at a selected college of Education in Central Province. The objectives were; to establish pedagogical practices employed by PES lecturers on student teachers with VI in PES theory and practical lessons, to explore how pedagogical practices employed by PES lecturers benefit student teachers with VI, to examine the applicability of teaching resources PES lecturers used on student teachers with VI and lastly, to establish challenges PES lecturers faced in PES classrooms which include student teachers with VI. A qualitative Case study design was employed in this study. Purposive sampling, which was homogeneous by type was used. Samples involved four (4) PES lecturers and two (2) student teachers with VI. Data collection used in-depth interviews and a total of eight (8) lesson observations in both theory and practical lessons. Data were analysed thematically. Pedagogical practices revealed from findings included questions and answers, lecture method, demonstration, group work and individualized learning. For student teachers with VI to benefit in PES lessons, findings revealed that PES lecturers modify activities, call names of student teachers with VI, avoid some tasks and touch student teachers will VI during lesson presentation. Even though the above were mentioned, not all the practices were used with inclusion of student teachers with VI. Additionally, PES lecturers did not use any teaching resource specifically made for student teachers with VI during lesson presentation because such were lacking at the college. Instead, an
ordinary ball was used which did not help in having students with VI getting involved in the lesson. Among other challenges PES lecturers faced were lack of knowledge and skill to handle student teachers with VI PES lessons and lack of teaching resources specifically for student teachers with VI. The study concludes that despite mentioning pedagogical practices, they were not rightly used by lecturers in PES theory and practical lessons to fully involve student teachers with VI. It recommends the college to improve pedagogies for inclusive education of student teachers with VI among PES lecturers who in turn train teachers to teach effectively in schools.
Key words: Student teachers with visual impairment, Physical Education and Sports, pedagogical practices, College of Education
Thesis of Masters of Physical Education and Sport.