School leavers' understanding of University extension education in Lusaka District
Malama, Gwenny
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The study’s main purpose was to establish school leavers’ understanding of university extension education in Lusaka District. The objectives of this study sought to establish school leavers’ knowledge levels about university extension education in Lusaka District and to establish school leavers ‘perceptions regarding university extension education in Lusaka District.
In terms of theory, the theory of andragogy also known as theory of adult learning was the preferred theoretical framework for this study. A comprehensive literature review was carried out to determine the works other researchers had done in the area of university extension education. The literature revealed that the concept of university extension education has no single definition.
This study employed a case study design in which triangulation was used in order to verify the information collected during this study. The sample comprised 112 school leavers, 7 guidance teachers, 7 parents from parents teachers association and 1 University of Zambia Extension Education Centre Coordinator from Lusaka District. Simple random sampling procedure was employed in selecting 1 public secondary school from each of the 7 school zones of Lusaka District. Snowball sampling was employed in tracing the whereabouts of school leavers while purposive sampling was used to select guidance teachers, parents and University Centre Coordinator.
The major findings were that school leavers partially understood university extension education. This is due to the fact that most school leavers partially understood university extension education. This is due to the fact that most school leavers had knowledge about the definition and existence of university extension education. However, the majority of school leavers did not have enough information about the programmes offered by university extension education in Lusaka District and the methods used in university extension education. It was also established that while some school leavers in public secondary schools of Lusaka District held positive perceptions about university extension education others had negative perceptions. However, majority respondents had positive perceptions about university extension education. It was, therefore, recommended that the University of Zambia Department of Adult Education and Extension Studies should be adequately funded by the central administration of the university in order for it to sensitize school leavers in public secondary schools of Lusaka District about university extension education. Furthermore, the Department of Adult Education and Extension Studies should offer more new diploma and certificate (credit) programmes and introduce degree programmes
Extension Education Centre Coordinator from Lusaka District. Simple random sampling procedure was employed in selecting 1 public secondary school from each of the 7 school zones of Lusaka District. Therefore, snowball sampling was employed in tracing the whereabouts of school leavers and purposive sampling was used on guidance teachers, parents and University Centre Coordinator.
Unversity extension studies-Zambia