An assessment of knowledge, attitudes and practice of adult education principles by university of Zambia extension education part-time tutors in Lusaka district.
Haluyasa, Michelo
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University of Zambia
The problem for the study emerged from the fact that there it was known if part time-tutors practiced the principles of adult education. It was also not known whether or not part time tutors were knowledgeable of the principles of adult education and what their attitudes towards these principles were. Thus, the purpose of this study was to establish tutors‟ knowledge, attitudes and practice of adult education principles in Lusaka District. The objectives were to: examine whether or not part- time tutors were knowledgeable of adult education principles; establish the attitudes of the part- time tutors towards adult education principles; and investigate whether or not part time tutors practiced adult education principles in their teaching. This study adopted a mixed method design. The study sample was 111 which comprised 60 students who were selected using simple random sampling procedure, 50 tutors were traced through convenience sampling procedure and 1 Resident Lecturer was selected using purposive sampling procedure.
Findings revealed that majority part- time tutors were not familiar with adult education principles in Lusaka District. For example, 28 (56%) respondents were not familiar with adult education principles compared to 22 (44%) respondents who were familiar with some of the principles. It was also established that part- time tutors‟ attitudes towards students were good as they embraced voluntary participation and learners‟ experience. Findings further revealed that tutors were not sure as to whether or not they practiced adult education principles and that they did not receive any form of training on how to teach adults or practice adult education principles.
It was thus recommended that the Resident Lecturer should see to it that all coordinators assigned to the centres were oriented in the principles of adult education; that the Resident Lecturer should assign coordinators who possess certificates in adult education to run the centres; that the Resident Lecturer should not just assume that adult education principles were practiced, instead should frequently visit the centres and assess part- time tutors‟ knowledge, attitudes and practice of adult education principles; Part-time tutors appointed to teach in university extension education studies should be oriented in the principles of adult education; the University of Zambia Central Administration should allocates enough financial resources to university extension centres in Zambia; the University of Zambia through the Department of Adult Education and Extension Studies (DAEES) should find alternative ways of encouraging students to attend classes rather than using registers because some students view them as an indirect way of forcing them to attend classes.
Adult Education Principles