An examination of the Institutional framework, problems and extent of protection of children against economic exploitation in Urban Areas: The case of children in Lusaka City

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Malisase, Royd
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The University of Zambia
The study examined the institutional framework, problems and extent of protection of children against economic exploitation in urban areas by looking at the case of children in Lusaka City. In 2006, the Zambian government conducted a review of the 1994 National Child Policy. Following the review, it was concluded that there was need to include, in the policy, an emphasis on preventing the problem of children being sent by their parents to undertake work for pay. In line with this, a revised National Child Policy was formulated and launched in 2006 (MSYCD, 2006).In order to achieve this, the policy focused on creating a strong institutional framework and minimizing problems encountered during child protection activities and programs. However, whether this had been achieved was not clearly known. This was because of information gaps with regards to the existence and extent of the problem (UNICEF, 2009). The overall objective of this study was to examine the institutional framework, problems and extent of protection of children against economic exploitation in Lusaka City. The specific objectives of the study were; to examine the institutional framework put in place by the Zambian government to provide protection of children against economic exploitation in Lusaka City; to investigate the extent to which children were protected against economic exploitation in Lusaka City; and to find out the problems faced by institutions created to protect children against economic exploitation in Lusaka City. The sample size of this study was 300 children aged 5 to 14 living in Lusaka City. They consisted of 120 children from Mtendere, 100 children from Chilenje, and 80 children from Kabulonga. There were also three officials from the Ministry of Gender and Child Development. Both primary and secondary data were used for this research. Qualitative and quantitative data was also used for the study. The study found out that the institutional framework created by the Government to protect children against economic exploitation in Lusaka City was weak. The study also found out that economic exploitation of children in Lusaka City was high (35.7%). In addition, the study found out that a lot of problems were faced by institutions created to protect children against economic exploitation in Lusaka City. The study concluded that children in urban areas were not protected against economic exploitation.
Child labor-Lusaka, Zambia , Child labor-Government Policy , Child Abuse , Children rights