An analysis of the implementation of the junior secondary school computer studies in selected public schools in Lusaka district, Zambia.
Kazhila, Audrey
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The study was an evaluation of the junior secondary school computer studies syllabus: a case of selected public schools in Lusaka district, Zambia. The study sought to; evaluate the suitability of computer studies syllabus content as regards the topics to the learners’ experiences; explore the suitability of teaching and learning methods and time used in computer studies syllabus; assess time allocated to computer studies; assess the assessment strategies used in the computer syllabus at Junior Secondary School level. A descriptive design was adopted for the study. The sample size comprised 6 (six) computer studies teachers and 36 (thirty-six) learners. Participants were selected through judgmental purposive sampling as well as Homogeneous purposive sampling method for the learners. The data collection instruments used was semi structured interview guides as. The data collected through interview was transcribed, sorted, coded and interpreted. The study findings revealed that regarding the suitability of the computer studies syllabus, i the content was prepared appropriately for the learners’ level; theory matched with practicals; was progressive from Grade 8 to 9; was examined according to syllabus; textbooks content was in harmony with the syllabus. Further, it was found that the content taught in class was according to the syllabus. However the shortage of computers made learning the content difficult. Regarding the suitability of teaching and learning methods in computer studies, it was found that the methods were similar to other subjects; and were as recommended in the syllabus. However, certain recommended methods were above the level of the learners and not correlated with use of computer technology. Regarding the allocation of time to Computer Studies at Junior Secondary School Level, it was found that the syllabus has dictated teaching time for computer studies; time allocated for practicals was not sufficient; learning time did not cater for slow learners and that time allocation was a major challenge while various technical disruptions such as power outages wasted more time. On the assessment strategies, the study found that there was both continuous and summative assessment. Much was limited to common application packages. The assessment conformed to Bloom’s Taxonomy of Objectives and was considered important. The study recommends that time allocation towards practical periods should be increased to allow an enabling environment for more practice; teaching and learning methods should be more of learner centered; and the government should invest in green energy such as solar to provide power to rural schools.
Computer Studies Syllabus. , Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). , ICT skills. , Teaching Process. , Learning Process. , Zambia. , Junior Secondary School.