A history of the pilgrim Wesleyan Missionary Society in Choma District, 1930-1990
Naali, James Habukoko
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This dissertation reconstructs the history of the Pilgrim Wesleyan Missionary
Society in Choma District of Southern Province. It covers the period between 1930 and 1990. The study takes both the chronological and thematic approaches. It consists of four chapters. The first chapter examines the dynamics of Tonga religion before the coming of Christianity. It discusses Tonga cosmology and also illustrates the rituals and rite which formed it. The chapter presents an argument that the Tonga had their own religion
even before the coming of Christianity. Chapter Two provides a narrative of the
establishment and the growth of the Pilgrim Wesleyan Missionary Society in Choma
District and into other areas even beyond the Southern Province. In the third chapter we examine the theme of conversion among the Tonga. It argues that the Society's strategies for conversion centered on the provision of western education, health sen. ices, material rewards and evangelism through pastoral training and use of women. The chapter also defines the concept of conversion in the context of this dissertation. The last chapter examines the relationship between the Society and the State in areas of politics,education, health and agriculture.
Pilgrims and Pilgrimages -- Choma , Missionaries -- Zambia