Role of afro-centric counselling in pentecostal churches: in the case study of Northmead Assemblies of God in Lusaka district, Zambia.

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Chikweni, Chizongwe Elijah
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The University of Zambia
The purpose of study was to explore the role of Afrocentric counselling plays in helping Africans at Northmead Pentecostal Church in Lusaka district of Zambia. Its objectives were to: (i) describe the role Afrocentric counselling plays in helping Africans at Northmead Pentecostal Assemblies of God Church, (ii) establish how afro-centric counselling is offered to Africans at Northmead Pentecostal Assemblies of God Church, (iii) describe how Africans at Northmead Pentecostal Assemblies of God church perceive Afrocentric counselling. It used a case study design. The sample size was 4 church leaders, 8 counsellors, and 8 general members. Participants were selected using purposively procedure. Data was collected using semi-structured interview and focused group discussion guides. It was analysed using thematic analysis which involved identification of emerging themes, coding and categorizing the emerging themes in relation to the study. Findings showed that Afrocentric counselling at Northmead Pentecostal Assemblies of God Church helped to bring families together, resolve culturally sensitive issues in families and helped to deal with cultural issues that affected the church. As regards to how it was offered those who had the skill were able to assist others overcome their challenges. Africans at Northmead Pentecostal Assemblies of God Church perceived Afrocentric counselling with suspicion, lack of knowledge, lack of trust and stigmatization. The negativity surrounding Afrocentric counselling in Northmead Pentecostal Church did not deter people from seeking the help as regards to their cultural challenges. However, this needs to be addressed. Based on the findings, study recommends that: the church should identify and train Afrocentric counsellors so that they may provide quality Afrocentric counselling to people who need it. In order to avoid suspicion and stigmatization, the church should invest more in educating its members that Afrocentric counselling is as good as Eurocentric counselling.
Thesis of Master of Science in Counselling.