Factors affecting female teachers in career progression in public secondary schools in Chingola district of Zambia.
Nakamba, Penelope
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The University of Zambia
This study investigated the factors affecting female teachers in career progression in public
secondary schools in Chingola District of Zambia. The study used a descriptive
phenomenological research design. The sample consisted of twenty five (25) participants. These
were: 10 female teachers, 5 heads of departments, 5 head teachers, 4 district union leaders and 1
Officer from the District Education Board Secretary‟s Office. Purposive sampling was used in
the selection of the head teachers, heads of departments, district union leaders and the DESO,
while convenience sampling was used to select the female teachers. The study addressed itself to
three specific objectives. These were to: establish the factors affecting female teachers in their
career progression, find out how institutional set ups affect career advancement of female
teachers and explore female teachers‟ experiences in the teaching sector on their career
progression in Chingola District. Data were collected through use of semi structured
questionnaire and interview guides whereas data analysis was done using a thematic analysis
The study established that female teachers were affected in their career progression by a number
of factors such as lack of funds as they could not venture into businesses after school work as
their single female counterparts did. The study also revealed that women‟s productive activities
were hampered by the unofficial and private domestic responsibilities that competed for their
labour in terms of time and energy. Further, the study revealed that female teachers found it hard
to lobby for leadership positions and form alliances with male in areas of study or consultation
that related to work. The study concluded that despite the shortcomings, some female teachers
excelled in their studies and held high position although others still complained of facing
Women teachers. , Sex discrimination in employment.