The role of credit unions in socio-economic development of Zambia
Musakanya, Vincent
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The study examines and assesses the role of credit unions in Zambia in terms of how they help not only to co-operate and encourage members to improve their savings but also teach them "rational" ways of controlling their finance; investing, earning and providing them with ways in which they can improve their standard of living, Further, the study examines how credit unions contribute to the Socio-economic development in Zambia,
A purposive and random sample was drawn from one hundred and twenty- three (123) credit unions with over twenty six thousand (26, OCX)) members and nearly five million Kwacha (K5, 000,000) worth of shares amongst themselves. Data was collected largely but not exclusively
through questionnaire interviews,
Data was analyzed by the use of various techniques such as percentages, frequency table and significance tests,
It is found that in general and with a few exceptions credit unions contribute to the socio-economic development of Zambia, Most of the members interviewed expressed satisfaction in terms of not only learning how to improve and take care of their usual financial problems but also are happy with the way credit unions solve their unexpected financial problems. With careful analysis of the problems, planners could make use of the available empirical data to spread and further make use of the credit unions in Zambia,
Cooperative societies -- Zambia , Agricultural co-operative credit associations -- Zambia , Banks and banking -- Zambia.