Toward upgrading university extension programmes from diploma to degree level:stakeholders' views and instructional mode of learning in Lusaka district.
Mulenga, Alexander
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The University of Zambia
The purpose of the study was to explore the views of stakeholders regarding upgrading
University Extension programmes from diploma to degree level. The objectives were to explore
on the views of stakeholders regarding upgrading University Extension programmes from
diploma to degree level; to establish the reasons that are persuading stakeholders to demand for
the upgrading of University Extension programmes from diploma to degree level; and to
determine the instructional mode of learning for the upgraded University Extension Education
programmes. Through the findings of the study, it may add to the body of knowledge. The study
may also help the curriculum specialist at the University to adjust the curriculum. The
University of Zambia Extension Studies may be aware of the stakeholders’ views regarding
upgrading University Extension programmes from diploma to degree level. The findings of the
study may also give the University of Zambia an opportunity to be aware of the preferred
instructional mode of learning such as the distance, e-learning and evening classes for the
upgraded programmes A Concurrent mixed design was employed, the population of the study
included students, graduates, part-time tutors and Resident Lecturer. A sample size of 256
respondents was used. The sample size was broken down as follows; 215 students, 30 graduates,
10 part-time tutors and 01 Resident Lecturer. The main respondents of the study were the
students. While graduates, part-time tutors and Resident Lecturer were involved in the study for
the purpose of triangulating the findings of the study. Expert sampling was used to sample
Residentt Lecturer and the part-time tutor, students while sampled using simple random
sampling and snowball sampling was used on graduates. Questionnaires and an interview guide
were used to collect data. Data was analysed thematically and descriptively. The study showed
that the stakeholders were in support of the University of Zambia to upgrade University
Extension programmes from diploma to degree level. It was concluded that there are many
reasons contributing to stakeholder to demand for the introduction of degree programmes. Some
of the reasons are: Competition on the job market, keeping updated with the ever changing world
of technology, earning a good salary, promotion and personal stratification. The study also
established that stakeholders preferred to maintain the evening classes. The study recommended
that the University of Zambia should clearly show the progression patterns by diploma students
from University Extension studies into the mainstream University by providing exemptions for
the courses that were covered at certificate and diploma level in respective fields of study. It also
recommended that the University of Zambia should also show the various alternatives one can
use to progress from diploma to degree level: such as exemptions and/ or bridging courses
between the diploma and degree content (if any). Draw supportive structures that will make Extension Studies a formidable avenue of delivering quality University Education to the
community and expand the enrollment of the University of Zambia.
Key Words: Instructional Mode, Learning, Stakeholders.
Instructional-- ModeLearning-- Stakeholders