Factors limiting Lusaka city council from effectively delivering fire and rescue services: a case of Lusaka fire brigade unit.

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Hamulangu, Steward
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The University of Zambia
The Provision of Fire and Rescue Services in Zambia is offered by the Fire Authorities under the Ministry of Local Government. Firefighting is the act of attempting to prevent the spread of fire and extinguish significant unwanted fires in buildings, vehicles, woodlands, among others. The Constitution of Zambia establishes firefighting as a function of local government and in this the Lusaka City Council. This research sought to study the management of fire and rescue services in Lusaka: A case of Lusaka Fire Brigade Unit. In the recent past years Zambia has witnessed an unprecedented rise in fire incidences where properties worth millions of Kwachas have been destroyed. The study objectives included examining the extent to which human resource capacity of Lusaka Fire Brigade Unit accounts for limitations to effectively deliver fire and rescue services; investigate the extent to which financial capacity of the Lusaka Fire Brigade Unit accounts for limitations to effectively deliver fire and rescue services and establish how equipment of Lusaka Fire Brigade Unit accounts for limitations to effectively deliver fire and rescue services in Lusaka City. The methodology was mainly qualitative approach though some quantitative approaches were applied. A descriptive survey design was used where the researcher administered interview guides to four key informants as a mode of collecting data, and questionnaires to 152 firefighters. The findings revealed that human resource at Lusaka Fire Brigade Unit was not enough despite being in tandem with the staff establishment that is 184 out of 190 and six on separation. The fire brigade unity is poorly funded; budgets were never met. Equipment, PPP is not modern and enough, fire trucks were few and unreliable, there were few fires hydrating points and no fire detecting system, among other hindrances. Recommendations include; make Lusaka Fire Brigade Unit a Department from being a section. Establish several satellite fire stations and increase human resource to enhance fire and rescue services delivery. The government to increase the budgetary allocation to the Ministry of Local Government for the procurement of various equipment for the fire brigade unit. Resolve the defective 993 toll free fire emergency line.
Thesis of Master of Public Administration.