China: A thousand feet tall tree knows its roots
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Ngalande, Sande
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Zambia Daily Mail
There would be no modern Africa as we know it without China's numerous acts of friendship and generosity in Africa.
Amid huge amount of negative energy towards China-Africa decades long and all-weather friendship, Africa should not lose its focus and must not forget where she has come from with China.
An online publication, "Why Africa loves China" (2019) characterises this type of energy' as a 'Sino-phobic narrative championed by the West."
Sino-phobic narratives raise a strong danger especially in the young generation of distorting the truth underlying China-Africa relations.
In the era of lake news and tek of scholarly readership, people tend lo believe all that is presented before their loom gadgets used lo mine daily new s especially on social media.
African scholars aware of the true characteristics of the Sino-Africa engagement are increasingly getting agitated by the distortions in the characterisation of die origin and growth of China's pursuits in Africa.
China--Zambia--Bilateral relationship , China--Trade investment--Africa--Zambia