Challenges physical education teachers face in the implementation of inclusive learning in selected primary schools in Mkushi district, Zambia.

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Sibeso, Josephat
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The University of Zambia
The study aimed at identifying challenges Physical Education teachers face in the implementation of inclusive learning in selected primary schools of Mkushi District, Zambia. The study had four fold objectives, namely; to examine the knowledge Physical Education teachers have on inclusive education, to explore how physical education is taught in inclusive learning, identify challenges physical education teachers face in the implementation of inclusive learning and to examine how physical education teachers can effectively teach PE in inclusive learning. The study was motivated by the fact that Physical Education Teachers (PETs) continue to experience challenges on how to implement inclusive PE, especially how it should be taught effectively to pupils with and without disabilities in an ordinary classroom. In order to understand this, the study employed a qualitative inquiry as regards to data collection and used a case study design. It employed purposeful sampling, which was used to come up with the desired sample size of 41 participants. The desired data were collected by the use of in-depth interview guide, observation checklist and focus group discussion and data was analysed thematically. The findings were categorized in line with the objectives. The study established that the PE teachers advocated for inclusion of learners with and without disabilities, although they raised some major challenges that could be obstacles to effective inclusive PE. The challenges included lack of teaching and learning materials, lack of funding, lack of legal and policy frameworks to foster the inclusion of children with disabilities in the mainstream specifically PE among others. Further, infrastructure is also said to be inaccessible in most schools in Mkushi District, making it difficult for pupils with physical disabilities to access it. The study concluded that teacher training in special needs education is an important factor in implementing inclusive physical education for learners with and without disabilities. Based on the findings of the study, it was recommended that government should consider improving the structures of the buildings in schools by improving the physical facilitates like classrooms and playgrounds so that they are more safe and accessible to students with learning disabilities who might also be physically challenged. It has also been suggested that government should consider putting in place adequate and appropriate physical and human resource. Inclusive educational policies should be improved and take full account of individual differences in order to foster inclusive PE in primary schools. Further research could be carried to establish how lectures in teacher training colleges effectively train teachers to teach inclusive PE in primary schools Zambia. Key words: Challenges, Implementation, Inclusive physical education, Physical Education teachers.
Challenges-- Implementation-- Inclusive physical education--Zambia , Physical Education teachers--Zambia