Public perception of the performance of the Zambia Police Service in Kitwe District in Zambia

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Liazambi, Gift
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This study looked at public perception of the performance of Zambia Police Service in Kitwe District of the Copperbelt Province of Zambia. The study assessed whether or not the public felt that the performance of the Zambia Police Service was meeting public expectations. The study also examined public perception of the effectiveness of the Zambia Police Service in Preventing and solving crime. The study went further to assess the extent to which the public felt that the Zambia Police Service was fair when enforcing the law and extent to which the public has confidence and trust in the Zambia Police Service. Finally the study sought to investigate what the members of the public think should be done to improve the performance of the Zambia Police Service in Kitwe. The sample size was 200 respondents which included 150 respondents from the general public and 50 were police officers. Secondary data was collected for the background information, literature review and when backing some of the findings. Primary data was collected by conducting structured interviews schedules using questionnaires. Quantitative data was analyzed using statistical package for social sciences while qualitative data was analyzed manually in form of explanations, descriptions and interpretations of data collected. The study revealed that most respondents from the general public regardless of their age, gender, education level and monthly income perceived negatively the performance of the Police in Kitwe in meeting public expectations, preventing crime and solving crime. Most respondents perceived police in Kitwe not to exhibit integrity and fairness. However, it was revealed that the majority of respondents stated that the police in Kitwe use appropriate force and exhibit civility when enforcing the law. Respondents also denied having trust and confidence in the police in Kitwe. However, most police officers perceptions concerning police performance in Kitwe was positive. In view of the study findings, the following recommendations falling with in two sub headings namely: effective police training and administrative reforms. This should also include education in effects of corruption, modern policing methods, human rights and the police recruits curriculum should allow recruits to specialize in various tasks done by the police after the first 6 months of general police duties training program. The office of the Inspector General of Police should be given tenure of office to ensure job security so that the Inspector General performs professionally without any political interference or without fearing that if he/she steps on the toes of the appointing authorities he/she may be fired. Overall, the study has revealed that there are several shortcomings that adversely affect the work of police officers in Kitwe District. It is important, and reassuring, to also note that even some police officers, who participated in the study, are aware of, and expressed the desire to have such shortcomings corrected. It is hoped that the recommendations generated by the study findings have great potential to enhance the performance of the police service in general and that of the police officers in Kitwe in particular
Police-Rating of-Zambia , Police-Zambia-Evaluation