An analysis of teachers involvement in school administrative decision making in selected secondary schools in Mansa district, Zambia.
Mucheka, Friday
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The University of Zambia
The aim of this study is to determine teacher and administrative staff views on, teachers’
participation in school related decision-making process who serves in secondary schools in
Mansa district of Luapula province of Zambia. This study investigated the extent to which
teachers ‘views are considered in school administrative decision making in secondary schools
of Mansa district; the effects of not involving teachers in school level decision making in
secondary schools in Mansa district; and measures that can help to improve teachers’
participation in decision making. The study employed a qualitative approach. Data were
collected from a sample of 5 head teachers, 5 deputy head teachers, 10 head of departments
and 25 class teachers making the sample size 50 in total. The instruments of data collection
were: semi- structured questionnaires, focus group study and interviews were analysed
thematically and descriptive analysis into significant patterns so as to easily interpret and
understand the real meaning of data collected. The findings of the study suggested that
teachers were dissatisfied with the existing practice of decision making which did not involve
them. Findings further indicated that teachers in secondary schools are involved in
administrative decision making but at lower levels. The study recommends that head teachers
evaluate and identify teachers’ needs on managerial decisions in order to facilitate the
implementation of their views. This in turn would encourage teachers’ participation and
enhance team spirit in decision making that would result in efficiency in management of
secondary schools. The majority of secondary school teachers in Mansa had never
participated in the decision making and this they thought was the main reason why they faced
challenges with implementing certain programmes effectively. It was consequently
recommended that school administration should broaden the scope of teacher involvement in
school decision making through being in constant touch with the teachers especially through
democratic leadership style which allows full participation and expression of views. From this
study, it was concluded that teachers were not adequately involved in the decision making
process with their role being mainly to implement the already developed programmes.
Teaching--Decision making. , Teacher as decision-maker. , Teacher participation in curriculum planning. , Teachers. , Teacher participation in administration..