Knowledge, attitude and utilization of insecticide treated nets among caretakers in malaria prevention in underfive children (Mansa).

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Chizuni, Callen.
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The main aim of the study was to determine knowledge, attitude and utilization of Insecticide Treated Nets (ITNs)among caretakers in malaria prevention in under-five children. The major hypothesis of the study was "There is an association between level of knowledge on ITNs and utilization of ITNs". Extensive literature search from studies conducted on knowledge, attitude and utilization of ITNs was done to ascertain what was already known on the study topic to avoid duplication. A descriptive non interventional cross-sectional research design was used in the study. The study was conducted at Mansa Central Clinic, in Mansa District of Luapula province of Zambia which was purposefully selected. The sample population was made up of caretakers with under-five children attending under-five clinic at Mansa Central Clinic. The study sample comprised of 50 respondents and simple random sampling method was used for selection of respondents. Data was collected using an interview schedule in order to accommodate subjects that could not read and write. Data collected was analyzed manually with the help of a calculator and findings were presented in frequency tables, pie charts, bar charts and cross tabulations. The study results showed that almost all (94%) of the respondents had high knowledge on ITNs, 98% had a positive attitude towards their use and most (64%) of the respondent's under-five children had a high level of utilization of ITNs. The study also revealed that ITNs were not always available at Central Clinic and more than half (60%) of the respondents did not know how often Central Clinic provide re-treatment services for ITNs. Additionally almost half (49%) of the respondents who own ITNs said that they had never had their ITNs retreated. The study revealed that there is an association between number of rooms used for sleeping and utilization of ITNs as 83% of the respondents who had 3 and more rooms used for sleeping had high level of utilization. The study further revealed that the respondents with a negative attitude (100%) were less likely to utilize ITNs. The study also established that there is a relationship between knowledge and utilization of ITNs in that more than half (67%) of the respondents who had low level of knowledge on ITNs also had low level of utilization of ITNs.
public health --mansa --zambia. , malaria prevention --mansa --zambia.