The role of co-operatives in rural development of Zambia : a case study

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Matoka, Peter.
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This work presents an analysis of the impact the multipurpose cooperative movement has had on agricultural development, a source of income for the bulk of the rural people, and the social-economic consequences of their development.To assess the effect of the cooperative movement, the study uses data gathered from Petauke District, Eastern Province of Zambia, from members of the cooperative societies, who are treated as an experimental group, and from non-members of the cooperative societies, who in the study, constitute a control group.While the results are tentative the analysis strongly points to the important role that the Cooperative Society has played on agricultural development and this is clearly reflected in the differential performance in farming activities and the socio-economic attributes of members and non-members of the Cooperative Societies.The results show a marked difference among the two categories in terms of access to agricultural inputs, knowledge, technology; acquisition of material resources, the quality of accountrement and participation in democratic processes.By and large, the findings support the claim that there is an advantage in the membership of the Cooperative Societies, suggesting the catalystic ability of the Cooperative Movement to boast agricultural development and, thereby, offering a viable channel to peasants to come out of the viscious cycle of rural poverty.
Cooperative societies -- Zambia. , Rural development -- Zambia.