Developing an ideal turn around time – a case of the Zambia public procurement authority
Maposa, Eunice
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University of Zambia
This study is aimed at developing processes that could mitigate bottlenecks and
develop ideal lead times for the public sector procurement system.
This was a cross-sectional functional pragmatic study design employing a
concurrent mixed methods design. Thirty five participants from six public
procurement entities (Government Ministries and quasi-Government
departments) were enlisted using expert availability sampling. A short survey
questionnaire and key informant interviews were employed. Quantitative data
was analysed using SPSS and qualitative data was analysed using content
analysis with the help of N VIVO software.
The phases with the most delays where those which were those whose lead
times were unspecified in the Act and these included the evaluation phase,
which took 5 to 10 weeks, the Ministry Procurement Committee approving of
order/contract phase which took 4 – 8 weeks, Clearance of the contract by the
Ministry of Justice which took 2 to 12 weeks and the signing of the contract
which took 3 to 30 days. The ideal mean lead times were as follows: Tender
Floatation 3.4 days, Tender closing/ Bid opening 1 day, Evaluation 7 days,
Ministry Procurement Committee approval of order/contract 6 days, Tender
award notification 2 days, Clearance of the Contract by the Ministry of Justice
less than 13weeks and signing of contract less than 13 days following clearance
by the Ministry of Justice. The reasons for delay were multifarious and the
following were key, failure to start the procurement process on time due to end
users failing to provide technical specifications on time, complex scope of work
or terms of reference, mental models in people, unwritten policy, or Act and
delay in contract negotiations if there are any negotiations to be made.
The findings revealed undue delays in the procurement process. There is need
to apply the lead times proposed in this study. This study suggests that special
attention paid to factors identified in this study will help industry practitioners in
minimising the risk of delays in projects. Some of the causes could have been
mitigated with extensive and careful planning and control processes while some
might require a systematic approach to the issues. There is need for effective
Monitoring of the procurement process/workflows by supervisors and heads of
Procurement Units in order to speed up the process of procuring of goods,
works, and services in order to improve on service delivery.
Key words: Ideal, Turn-Around Time, Zambia, Public, Procurement
Public procurement --Zambia , Government purchasing.