Exploring the contribution of teachers' unions in promoting a peaceful learning environment in selected schools in Lusaka, Zambia.

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Sinkala, Henry
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The University of Zambia
The study explored the contribution of teachers' unions in promoting a peaceful learning environment in selected schools of Lusaka, district, Zambia. A case study design was employed on a target population that comprised 28 participants from primary and secondary schools and teacher unions. Purposive sampling method was used to sample all participants from teacher trade union officials in Lusaka District. Data generated through interviews; Focus Group Discussion; and Document Review were thematically analyzed. The study findings revealed that the teachers’ trade unions participation in the education policy making process were playing a role of defending teacher members by presiding over the disputes between member and the employer with minimal attention to improving peaceful learning environment in schools. In addition, the study findings noted that, trade unions did not have programmes to motivate their members in the efforts to improving peaceful learning environment in schools. Nevertheless, the findings showed that the trade unions were involved in fighting for teacher’s motivation programmes from their employer; this included fighting for professional recognition for teachers as well as fairness in promotion. Further, the study established that teacher unions’ acknowledged limited innovations in the union leadership especially at national level in interventions towards peaceful school environment improvement. However, unions were involved in advocacy in relation to education reforms and teachers’ professional output as well as student achievement in exams. Thus, if Teacher Unions are to effectively deliver on their mandate of fostering improved learning environment in schools in Zambia it becomes critical that multi-skilling becomes a norm among Union officials at various levels.
Thesis of Master of Science in Peace, Leadership and Conflict Resolution