Factors leading to poor reading among grade two learners:a case of selected schools in Chibombo District
Chipili, Lydia
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University of Zambia
The purpose of this study was to investigate factors that contribute to the poor performance in reading of grade 2 learners in selected primary schools which fall in low and high populated areas of Chibombo District. The aim was to meet the following objectives namely: to establish the attitude of teachers towards the teaching of literacy, to assess the attitude of learners towards the learning of literacy and to establish causes of poor reading. The research was conducted in seven primary and three community schools. The study focused on Grade 2 learners. Due to the nature of the study, both the learners and the teachers were targeted as points of investigation. The Grade two learners were targeted because by the time a pupil reaches grade 2, he or she would have acquired reading skills in grade one. Descriptive survey methods were used for data collection. The sample involved teachers teaching grade two pupils and other teachers teaching grades one to four pupils from primary and community schools and ten learners from each school. In this study there were a total of one hundred twenty two (122) respondents. Data on teachers focused on attitude to teaching literacy and the methodology of literacy. Data collection on learners was conducted using the Assessment tool, Early Grade Reading assessment (EGRA) which was developed by Time to Learn (TTL) and acknowledged by Curriculum Development Centre (CDC) in the Ministry of Education. The learners were assessed in chi Tonga on the letter sound knowledge and Oral Passage Reading, to determine if they are able to identify the sounds and read them'. The findings showed that teachers were playing a key role especially in the preparation of the decodable stories, they were able to create stories using the sound and syllabus of the day. However, the analysis indicated that teacher- learner interaction was not adequately implemented. Most teachers were having double classes due to low staffing levels and high pupil enrollment. Some teachers were in a hurry of teaching in order to finish the syllabus. The passion oftietptng and identifying a learner as an individual is therefore not effectively applied. The findings showed that community school teachers were not motivated especially where payments were concerned. The study recommends that teachers should consider Learning to Read as a complex process that involves multifaceted skills and experience.
Master of Education in Educational Management
Reading--Primary school--Zambia , Education, primary—Zambia