Socio-ecological drivers and dynamics of limnothrissa miodon on lake Tanganyika: a case of Mpulungu district.

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Kambonge, George
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The University of Zambia
The dissertation examined drivers that contribute to the decline of Limnothrissa miodon on Lake Tanganyika. Explicitly, the research study pursued; (i) factors that contribute to the reduction of Limnothrissa miodon, (ii) effects of not sustaining Limnothrissa miodon on fishers and marketeers and (iii) strategies that could be used to sustain Limnothrissa miodon. The case study research design targeted fishers, marketeers, and key discussants. Qualitative methods were used to capture the attitude, views, ideas and opinions of respondents on the reduction of Limnothrissa miodon. Snowball sampling, and expert purposive sampling techniques were used. One hundred and twenty-four (124) respondents were sampled through theoretical saturation in Kasasa, Kabatwe, Musende fishing villages and Ngwenye market. Questionnaires, Focus Group Discussions (FGDs), and interview schedules were used as data collection instruments. Thematic analysis was adopted to make codes, and give meanings. Ninety-two (92) respondents representing seventy four per cent (74%) attributed indiscriminate fishing to the reduction of Limnothrissa miodon. Twenty-seven (27) respondents representing twenty-two per cent (22%) attributed the increase in the population of fishermen, and marketers to the reduction of Limnothrissa miodon. On the other hand, five (5) respondents representing four per cent (4%) attributed climate change to the reduction of Limnothrissa miodon. This study, subsequently, recommends the introduction of fishing quotas, bag limits, fisher licensing, closed seasons, size limits, aquaculture practices, creation of freshwater reserves, and freshwater-protected areas. The study suggests further research on the prevalence of wrong fishing gear, and illegal fishing methods.
Thesis of Master of Science in Environmental and Natural Resources Management.