Exploring the nature and effects of teacher/pupil conflicts in selected secondary schools in Mazabuka district.
Mwamba, Kenneth
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The University of Zambia
Teacher-pupil conflict remains a subject of critical interest in education and in defining the relationship between pupils and teachers and the impact it has on the learning and academic achievements of pupils in schools. This study focused on the nature of teacher and pupil conflict and the effect it has on school wellbeing. The objectives of the study were to examine the nature of pupil-teacher conflict, investigate the effects of teacher-pupil conflicts in the selected secondary schools of Mazabuka district and establish strategies of addressing teacher-pupil conflicts in the selected secondary schools of Mazabuka district. The study used a quantitative survey by administering 80 questionnaires to 60 senior secondary school pupils and 20 teaching staff from two selected secondary schools of Mazabuka district. Findings from the study indicate that the lack of teaching and learning materials in school, failure of school administration to respond to pupils and teachers’ requests, preferential treatment of pupils by teachers and failure of teachers to control pupils with bad behaviour, characterized the nature of teacher-pupil conflict in the two schools. In terms of the effects of teacher-pupil conflict, the findings indicate that from the positive effect, teacher-pupil conflict promoted aliveness of people in school, creative thinking, ability of pupils and teachers to redefine purpose, improved decision making and released build-up emotions. On the negative effects, the study found that teacher-pupil conflict had an effect on the ability of teachers to fully commit themselves to teaching, weakened teacher and pupil relationship, increased hostility and violent behaviour among pupils and reduced interest to attend lessons among pupils. The study also found that participants preferred Problem solving among pupils, Teacher-pupil collaboration, Involvement of parents, conflict awareness programs and working with other Stakeholders were solutions to addressing teacher-pupil conflict as ways to address teacher-pupil conflict in schools. The study recommends the need for headteachers to exhibit professional leadership in managing conflict in schools, the Ministry of Education to provide workshops and seminars sensitizing teachers and pupils on ways to address teacher-pupil conflict and the Ministry of Education should collaborate with stakeholders in addressing teacher-pupil conflict in schools.
Thesis of Master’s of Science in Peace, Leadership and Conflict Resolution.