Role of guidance teachers and school managers in student career choices: a case of selected schools in Kitwe district, Zambia
Sikwese, Shadrick
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University of Zambia
The study was designed to establish the role of guidance teachers and school managers in student's career choices: A case of selected secondary schools in Kitwe District. The study employed a mixed method approach that is qualitative and quantitative approaches. Interviews were used to collect data from district guidance and counselling coordinator and guidance teachers while questionnaires were administered to the school managers, whereas focus group discussions were carried out to collect data from the students. The study used thematic content analysis and frequency tables to analyse the findings.
The study revealed the many roles played by guidance teachers which include providing learners with information regarding their various careers or training opportunities, it also revealed that a number of guidance teachers were trained in guidance and counselling and that learners were guided accordingly in making their career choices. All this can be enhanced if guidance and counselling could be time-tabled, as only one school in Kitwe district has time-tabled guidance and counselling therefore, having enough time interacting with learners on many issues concerning their careers.
The study thus recommends that guidance and counselling be time-tabled and the office of guidance be recognised and be salaried so as to enhance efficiency in the delivery of guidance and counselling in schools. The study further recommended that, the Ministry of General Education should recruit more trained manpower to execute the guidance and counselling teaching syllabus. This will greatly benefit the learner in need of guidance service and may speed up the implementation of the guidance and counselling syllabus.
Master of Education in Educational Management
School management and organisation--Zambia , Educational counselling--Zambia