Allocation,Management and Utilization of Government Funding at Kaoma Secondary Scholl of Western Province,Zambia

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Siampule, Manuel
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This study looked at the allocation, management and utilization of government funding at Kaoma Secondary School (KSS) of Western province in Zambia. The study assumed that there was inadequate allocation, poor management and utilization of government funding at KSS. Government funding to education and KSS in particular has been poor and hardly responded to the rising demands. There has been little investment to SSE in Zambia which resulted into stagnated development thereby reduced student numbers and slightly over 55 000 students graduate every year from SS with O-level certificates. The purpose of the study was to investigate allocation, management and utilization of government funding at KSS of Western province in Zambia. The study objectives were; to establish how government funds was allocated at KSS, to assess the management of government funds designated for KSS, and to determine how government allocation at KSS was utilized. A single case design of qualitative approach was engaged as the methodology so as to generate in-depth knowledge to the study. The study engaged forty-five participants (45) who were purposively sampled; 5 accountants, 1 planner, 1 PEO, 1 DEBs, 1 head-teacher, 1 deputy head-teacher, 1 procurement officer, 1 records officer, 1 bursar, 7 HODs, 8 teachers, 2 parents and 15 pupils. Data collected through interview discussions, focus group discussions and document analysis was categorized and emerging themes were analyzed. Key findings revealed that government funding criteria engaged to fund KSS was insufficient to mitigate pupil’s needs and school budget requirements to result in increased access, enhanced education quality and development at KSS. The researcher found that administration at KSS was not transparent and accountable to other stakeholders, and the administration was not inclusive in the management of government funds. Findings revealed a lengthy procedural requirements in the utilization of government funding. Furthermore, the utilization of government funding was secretive. It was also revealed that there was inadequate supervision and monitoring by qualified government auditors. The study concluded that there were challenges in the allocation, management and utilization of government funding at KSS to result into increased access, improved educational quality and overall development. It was recommended that there should be increased and consistent government funding at KSS. Government should engage a more pupil needs based criteria to fund KSS unlike the enrolment approached it had been using. KSS administration and management should engage in more transparent, effective and accountable approaches in the management of government funds. Government policies and procedures should reduce rigidities in the utilization of government funding.
School improvement programs--Zambia , Public schools--Zambia , Educational accountability-Zambia , School budgets--Zambia--Public opinion